Costco’s Bacon Cheddar Burger Kits Are Dividing The Internet

Costco's Bacon Cheddar Burger Kits Are Dividing The Internet

Rotisserie chicken from Costco has been a go-to option for anybody searching for a supper that is both inexpensive and simple for a long time. Nevertheless, the warehouse is consistently introducing new ready-to-eat alternatives that are within reasonable price ranges, and the most recent addition is already receiving fascinating comments on social media.

Starting at the beginning of this month, customers started noticing that Costco was selling pre-cooked Bacon Cheddar Burger Kits. You can whip up a burger in a flash with the help of the prepared kits, which come with practically everything you need to make one.

The kit comes with prepared ground beef patties (with chunks of bacon), cheddar slices, burger sauce, sliced tomatoes, green leaf lettuce, and red onions. The kit costs $6.49 per pound and incorporates all of these ingredients. However, you won’t find any hamburger buns in this package. Thank goodness, Costco carries a large quantity of them.

An astounding amount of attention has been directed on the new burger kit on the internet. As a result of the video review that Laura of @costcohotfinds posted, which has gotten approximately 11 million views, she stated that she was “blown away” by the products.

A significant number of users confirmed that the burger patties are, in fact, pre-cooked, despite the fact that the majority of individuals who commented on the Instagram video expressed worries about the possibility of cross-contamination within the container.

On Reddit, there is a topic specifically about the burger kit that has already gotten more than 300 comments. Despite the fact that people on Reddit did not have the same worries as those on Instagram, they did have a great deal of other issues with the burger kit. And we mean a great deal.

There was a person who stated unequivocally that “they look nasty,” while other individuals brought up the fact that the burgers had to be cooked, which means that they have the potential to become dry.

It’s a terrible idea to reheat meat, dude. A flavor that has been warmed over tastes like wet dog. The user who made the announcement stated, “This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen.”

It was also stated by a few individuals that the vegetables contained in the kit would not be able to maintain their freshness for an extended period of time.

“I doubt the pre-sliced onions and tomatoes are going to last more than a day,” according to a particular comment.

Who would have thought that a burger kit could be so contentious?

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